Innovacia Mobile Apps

Phone Locator and SIM Detector 3.9
Phone locator, tracker and SIM card detector..Lost your phone? Or want to track your love ones' where-about? Usethis app.What the app can do1. Track your phone location using SMS.2. Detect SIM card change, if your phone is stolen.How to use (Phone Tracker):-1. Install this app in the target phone (must be Androidphone).2. Run the app and enter your Passcode. The default passcode is"locategomoman". You can change it to suit your ownpreference.3. Whenever you want to track the phone, using any other mobilephone as tracker (not necessarily Android), send a text messagecontaining the exact Passcode to the target phone.4. The target phone will then reply with the coordinates.5. You can then open the coordinates using map/browser from thetracker phone.How to use (SIM Card Change)1. Install the app and enter the Emergency Mobile Phone Number(spouse, family members or friends)2. If your phone is stolen and the app detect any change in SIMcard, the app will ask for your passcode.3. If you fail to enter the correct passcode or try to bypass thesecurity, it will automatically SMS the SIM info to your EmergencyMobile Phone Number.4. If you do not enter the Emergency Mobile No, the app wouldn't beable to send the info.How it works (Phone Tracker)1. Once the app (target phone) received the Passcode, it will startlocating the device.2. Getting the coordinates may take a while. While waiting for thecurrent location, it will first try to get the device's last knownlocation (if any). If successful, it will then SMS the device'slatest location.3. You may not be able to get the location at all depending on theproviders availability.4. If the phone is off, it's like a dead phone and nothing the appcan do to locate it.Email us at forassistance.By Innovacia MobileWakaf Che Yeh, Kelantan
PingRoid - Network Tools 6.02
PingRoid is a network tool utility. With this app, you can performthe followings:-1. Ping a server by host name or IP address to get thestatus.2. Locate any IP address by country, state, town, isp, time zone,latitude and longitude.3. Scan nearby WiFi and get the info.4. Port scanner5. Traffic scanner
RSS Reader and Movie Showtimes 1.0
This simple app can perform thefollowings:-1. Setup your own RSS reader to get the latest news from yourfavourite sites2. To search for worldwide movie showtimes. This function utilisesthe Google API.With this app, you can manage your own RSS news reader. It willbe stored in a database for your convenience.For movie showtime, enter your City (kuala lumpur or london ornew york etc) to find nearby cinema. With the Google API, you canrefine your search by day/time, theater or even genre. You can alsofind the cinema location using the map view function.
Phone Tracker and SIM Monitor 1.0
SEN3 application for phone tracker. Phonelocator. Phone finder. Phone lost or misplaced finder. SIM cardchange monitor. Phone remote ringer or locator.This app is suitable for phone lost either by misplaced ortheft. Equip your expensive smartphone with this affordable anduseful tool for emergency.This app can perform the followings:-1. Locate or track your phone by SMS or via Web2. Monitor SIM card change3. Perform remote task via webHow to locate via SMS:-1. Install the app and create your setting.2. When you want to locate the phone, just SMS the passcode to yourphone (using another phone). The app will then reply with acoordinate.How to locate/ring the phone via web:-1. Install the app and register the device2. Register as Sentinel at www.androidsentinel.com3. Log in and enter members' area.4. In the members' area, you can send a tracker to locate yourphone or you can perform a function to ring your phone.How to monitor SIM card change:-1. Install the app and create a password for SIM Card Change2. Enter your mobile emergency no. (Eg:- Spouse, family member,friends or secondary mobile no)3. When there is any change in SIM card, the app will detect onreboot and request for password. Enter the password that you'vecreated in the setting to save the new SIM. If you bypass thepassword, it will trigger second level security by sending the infoto your Emergency Mobile number.Email us for assistance.
AES and Traffic CCTV 8.6
AES and CCTV application for Malaysia traffic.This app can perform the followings:-1. AES detector2. View traffic CCTV imagesHow to use AES detector:-1. Enable your device's GPS to get your current location2. Enable internet to display map3. Click the AES Detector button.A map will be displayed showing your current location. Once youenter the AES radius, you will receive an alert. The app will runin the background once you have activated the AES detector. You cancontinue using other apps while the detector runs in thebackground.After you have finished using this app you must click the STOPbutton. If not the app will keep running in the background. If youcan view the AES icon on your notification bar, it indicates theapp is still running.Setting Radius - You can modify the AES radius (in Meter) tosuit your preference.Setting Zoom - You can specify the map zoom level.Speaker - The app can alert you in speech. You can toggle thespeaker function as you wish.Manage AES Location - You can add/delete any AES location from thedatabase. However, you need to know the Latitude and Longitude ofthe location.How to view CCTV images:-1. Select CCTV tab2. Select any CCTV location from the listingFor your info, we do not maintain the CCTV. The images may notbe available all the times depending on how the authority maintainthem.Enjoy it....
Anti-Money Laundering Act 2001 1.0
Disclaimer:For general reference only and not necessarily comprehensive.Obtain legal advice as and when appropriate. We shall not be heldliable for any error or omission from this material.Malaysia Anti-Money Laundering Act 2001.Amendments up to January 2006.Functions:-1. Flip the screen from left to right or vice versa to turn thepages2. Tap on the screen to toggle the overlay functions3. Use Bookmark for quick reference4. Use Search function to search the whole materials5. Use fingers to adjust display size
Radio Malaysia Kelantan FM 2.8.4
Kelantan FM atau RTM Kelantan merupakan sebuahstesen radio di Malaysia yang bertanggungjawap menyediakanperkhidmatan penyiaran dan penyebaran maklumat untuk mewujudkanmasyarakat yang harmonis, maju dan bersepadu selaras dengan wawasannegara.Di Kelantan FM, kami mengotakan slogan "Penuhi Citarasa Anda",dengan mengorak langkah seiringan dengan ledakan teknologi dancitarasa terkini apabila kami menyediakan perkhidmatan untukpengguna peranti Android.Dengan aplikasi Android ini, para pengguna dapat:-1. Mendengar siaran Kelantan FM2. Membaca berita terkini3. Mendapat pengumuman terkini4. Mendapat pandu arah secara navigasi ke RTM Kelantan5. Menonton Kelantan TV6. Mengenali DJ serta rancangan dan lain-lain lagiAplikasi ini juga mempunyai fungsi Administrator untukmembolehkan kami menghantar sebarang pengumuman ringkas secaraterus kepada semua peranti android. Fungsi ini penting untukmenyalurkan sebarang berita mutakhir yang berinformasi, penting,tergempar atau kecemasaan untuk pengetahuan segera pendengar.Pendengar setia Kelantan FM kini dapat mengikuti DeeJaykegemaran yang sentiasa membawa maklumat terkini dan berilmiahserta rancangan penuh sensasi dengan hanya menggunakan perantiAndroid.Kepada peminat "Red Warriors", dapatkan berita terkini dariDeeJay Kelantan FM untuk perkembangan semasa pasukan bolasepakKelantan.Di Kelantan FM, para pendengar akan mendapat kepelbagaianrancangan berinformasi dan hiburan seperti Renungan, Dinamik,Ceramah Pilihan, Program Inovasi, Aduan Awam, Resepi, Idola Remaja,Kerjaya, Doktor di Radio, Forum Islam, Panorama Sukan danlain-lain.Dengan kemudahan aplikasi ini, pendengar di luar Kelantan kiniboleh mendapat maklumat tentang aktiviti terkini yang berlangsungdi negeri Kelantan seperti karnival, ekspo, sukan dan sebagainyauntuk maklumat pelancungan dan perniagaan.Kini masalah capaian frekuensi radio tidak lagi menjadi halangankepada pendengar setia Kelantan FM kerana aplikasi ini menggunakanrangkaian internet. Malahan rakyat Kelantan yang berada di luarnegara juga boleh mengikuti siaran Kelantan FM untuk mengikutiperkembangan di kampung halaman.Selamat mendengar Kelantan FM.... kami komited untuk "PenuhiCitarasa Anda".
Malaysia Rules of Court 2012 1.0
e-Book for Malaysia Rules of Court 2012.Disclaimer:-This e-Book is for general reference only and not necessarilycomprehensive. Obtain legal advice as and when appropriate. Weshall not be held liable for any error or omission from thismaterial.How to use:-1. Flip the screen from left to right or vice versa to flip thepages.2. Tap once on the screen to remove any overlay functions. Tap onceagain to retrieve the functions.3. Use Bookmark to save any favorite pages for quick futurereference.4. Use Search function for quick search.5. Use fingers to enlarge or reduce the text.6. Scroll the pages at the bottom for quick scrolling.Now you do not need to carry heavy books to court and it's foryour easy reading at coffee house too.How much....nahhhhh it's free. Enjoy it!!!
Locator and Navigator 5.92
The functions of this app are:-1. To locate2. To navigate~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This app is suitable for:-1. Traveler2. Tourist3. Outstation/ business trip4. Foreign students5. Haj pilgrims6. Or if you are at unfamiliar placesHow the app works (if you're a tourist):-1. When you arrive at the hotel, run this app to locate your hotelcoordinates.2. Then save the hotel coordinates and give it a name.3. Then out you go for a tour around the city.4. If you have a problem to find your way back to the hotel, runthis app and get your current location.5. Using the app, select your hotel from the listing and it willdisplay a navigation from your current location to yourhotel.6. Now you can find your way back to the hotel and have a nicesleep.Features:-1. This app utilise the Google Map.2. You can filter your map view by terrain, satellite, trafficetc.3. Filter your route navigation by driving, transit, walking orbicycling or road with tolls.4. Find interesting places such as restaurant, ATM, gas stationetc5. All other features offered by Google Map.6. Display distance between current and saved locations.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This app can also act as a car park locator, building locator,crime scene locator, date/meeting locator, stock/baggage locator,treasure locator or anything that can come to your imagination.Just don't use for crime purpose. It can save or manage yourfavourite locations in a database for future reference.This app will give you an option to select the provider eitherby GPS or Network. GPS will give you more accuracy but it'll takelonger time and higher battery consumption. You need internetconnection to use this app.Kita enjoyyyy.....
Hadis 1.0
Hadis 40 Imam Nawawi.'Flip' skrin dari "kanan ke kiri" atau "kiri ke kanan" untukmembelek halaman. Gunakan Menu untuk mendapat opsyen tambahanseperti untuk mengubah warna, saiz dan lain-lain.Maklumkan kami di jika terdapatsebarang kesilapan, kelemahan atau kekurangan untuk pembetulan.40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi.'Flip' screen from "right to left" or "left to right" tomembelek pages. Use menu for additional options such as to changethe color, size and others.Tell us in if there is anyerror, weakness or lack of correction.
Nukis 1.2
Drawing or sketching pad app for my4-years-old nephew, Atif, who likes to disturb my daylight sleep.So whenever, he tries to disturb me, I'll open up and let himplay this app and he'll get quiet... at least for a while.A very simple drawing or sketching app with noadvertisement.
binaTECH e-Magazine - 1/2015 1.0
This app is the e-mag version of the binaTECHmagazine. binaTECH brings access to Malaysia’s key buildingspecifiers, and promotes products and services to buildingprofessionals – architects, engineers, builders, interiordesigners, goverment and private clients, home owners and otherproduct specifiers.The magazine spans the residential, commercial and institutionalbuilding sectors and provides useful insights, opinion, informationon modern living technology and the latest development in theconstruction industry.With binaTECH, we treat our advertisers and subscribers asindividuals who have their own specific requirements and aims.Whether you offer construction equipments and machineries,engineering chemicals, building materials, offering technology andservices or looking for the same, you need not look beyondbinaTECH.We are confident that the magazine will meet your professionalneeds and we look forward to welcome you as a reader andadvertiser.
This app is the e-mag version of the binaTECHmagazine. binaTECH brings access to Malaysia’s key buildingspecifiers, and promotes products and services to buildingprofessionals – architects, engineers, builders, interiordesigners, goverment and private clients, home owners and otherproduct specifiers.The magazine spans the residential, commercial and institutionalbuilding sectors and provides useful insights, opinion, informationon modern living technology and the latest development in theconstruction industry.With binaTECH, we treat our advertisers and subscribers asindividuals who have their own specific requirements and aims.Whether you offer construction equipments and machineries,engineering chemicals, building materials, offering technology andservices or looking for the same, you need not look beyondbinaTECH.We are confident that the magazine will meet your professionalneeds and we look forward to welcome you as a reader andadvertiser.
Distance Estimator 2.3
Find distance. Estimate distance. Quickdistance measurement, calculator or estimator using:-1. Screen (for small object)2. Camera (for short distance)3. GPS/Network (for long distance)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A) How to measure using Screen:-1. Put the object on your phone's screen2. Drag the button to start measurementB) How to measure distance using Camera:-1. Hold up your phone in Landscape orientation and estimate thephone's distance from ground.2. Then aim the camera at the object which you want to calculatethe distance.3. The target should be at same ground level from where you'restanding. If not, you need to do some adjustment.4. You must aim at the BOTTOM of the object. (Eg: If a building,aim at the bottom of the building. If people, aim at the feet. If acar, aim at the tire)5. ROTATE the phone when you try to aim the target. DO NOT move thephone UP/DOWN from the phone's height which you have specifiedearlier.6. Tap the screen to stop the calculation or re-tap tocontinue.C) How to measure distance using GPS/Network:-1. Get the coordinates when you are at Location A.2. Then move/walk/drive to Location B and get the secondcoordinates.3. When you have the coordinates for both locations, the app willauto calculate the distance.The app will first try to get the coordinates using GPS. If notavailable, it will use the Network. Accuracy and speed will dependon the provider.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This app can only act as an estimator or for quick calculation. Theaccuracy and speed will depend on your phone's sensor, resolution,provider, network connection etc. It will not give you 100%accuracy.
Ezi Call Recorder 1.92
Note:This app may not work on all devices. Use at your own risk.A simple call recorder apps to record all incoming andoutgoingcalls. Record your phone conversations. Simply click theactivationbutton to automatically start all calls recording. Forplayback,select the recorded files in Call List. You can also sharetheaudio files using other apps.Premium version can record unlimited number of files. Itwillalso display the date, time and contact information. Freeversioncan record only one file, any new call will overwrite theexistingfile.
Kompas - Compass and Location 2
A pocket compass.A very simple non-fancy compass showing north direction andtheazimuth value.You can also find your current location on a map.
This app is the e-mag version of thebinaTECHmagazine Issue 1 2014. binaTECH brings access to Malaysia’skeybuilding specifiers, and promotes products and services tobuildingprofessionals – architects, engineers, builders,interiordesigners, goverment and private clients, home owners andotherproduct specifiers.The magazine spans the residential, commercial andinstitutionalbuilding sectors and provides useful insights,opinion, informationon modern living technology and the latestdevelopment in theconstruction industry.With binaTECH, we treat our advertisers and subscribersasindividuals who have their own specific requirements andaims.Whether you offer construction equipments andmachineries,engineering chemicals, building materials, offeringtechnology andservices or looking for the same, you need not lookbeyondbinaTECH.We are confident that the magazine will meet yourprofessionalneeds and we look forward to welcome you as a readerandadvertiser.
NumbHead 1.9
Not your ordinarybounce-and-pop-the-balloonsgame! Wacky and fun with interestingmovements. Can you completeeach level in 60 seconds? Simple toplay, challenging to master.Play and conquer all worlds. Options toupgrade to the variousNumbHead characters, extra time, explosivesetc. For various agegroups. Great for your one minute timefillers!
Flashlight 1.4
A must pocket tool to turn your phone intoaflashlight or torchlight.Useful during electricity blackout or when you're in the darkoremergency.Just tap the screen to switch the flashlight on/off. Thisapputilizes your camera flash and no advertisement.
TiffinCAD Junior 1.01
TiffinCAD Junior is a fun tool for kids tolearn writing, drawing and colouring. It has adjustable tracingfunctions for alphabets, numbers, shapes, objects plus a doodlezone to enhance their creativity. This app is also equipped with apronunciation guide.It is being developed as an early introduction to the concept ofComputer Aided Design (CAD) and its usages in engineering, art& design and architecture. The drawing canvas comes with gridsto emulate a CAD environment.The future engineers, architects and designers will have lots offun with this "CAD for Kids". Suitable as a sketch pad for Mom, Dadand the whole family too !
MyBody - Health Calculator 2.0
This app can perform thefollowingfunctions:-1. calculate BMI (Body Mass Index)2. calculate BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)3. calculate Calories requirement4. calculate Pregnancy Due DateThis app can calculate if you have the optimum heightandweight.It can also calculate your calories requirement based on yourageand level of activity. Make sure you select the correct levelofactivity.
Ammonia Removal Calculator 1.0
A tool to calculate required add-onchemicalsand reduce ammonia content in discharges; before releasingit intorivers and other water sources.The agro/plantation sector and other industrialfacilitiescommonly produce ammonia content in its water-baseddischarges.In some recent cases, high ammonia contents hasdisruptedoperations of water processing facilities.Many countries have already set allowable ammonia contentsinwater before it can be discharged into the river.However, the manual calculation is lengthy and complexthusdeterring wide implementation of the treatment exercise.This app aims to simplify the calculation as well aseducatingboth related professionals and students on theprocess.This app can perform the followings:-1. Calculate the required add-on chemicals2. Reduce ammonia content to the targeted valuesSuitable for:1. Local authorities2. Factories3. Water processing and supply companies4. Plantations / Agricultural companies4. Chemical engineers / Chemist5. Engineering Academicians / Researchers / Students6. Environmental organisations7. Waste / Recycling facilitiesGo green and save the earth!
MyDroid - My Phone Information 1.3
This app can retrieve the informationaboutyour Android phone, device, sensor, connectivity and otherrelatedinfo.General Info:-- Phone Brand and No- IMEI No- SIM Serial No- Android Version- Operator Name- Subscriber ID- Software Version (IMEI)Device Status Info:-- GPS- Bluetooth- Camera- Multi-touch- NFC- USB Host- SIP Voip- Voice RecognitionSensor Info:-- Accelerometer- Proximity- Compass- Barometer- Light- GyroscopeNetwork Info:-- Connectivity status- WiFi status- 3G status- Roaming statusSD Card Info:-- Card status- Size and availability
SMS Forwarder 2.3
SMS forwarding application to forwardincomingmessage to another phone.This app is useful when:-1. you arrive in the office and realise that you've forgottenorleft behind your phone at your home/hometown2. it's not practical for you at that time to go home only tofetchyour phone.3. or when you've lost or misplaced your phone.4. and you're expecting important or urgent SMSYou can also use this app to monitor your children'sincomingSMS.How to use this app:-1. Install this app in your phone (Phone A). This will becomethetarget phone.2. Using another phone (Phone B), send a text messagecontainingthe passcode to Phone A to activate the application.3. Once the application in Phone A is activated, it willforwardor relay any incoming messages received by Phone A to PhoneB.4. To stop receiving the forwarded messages, sendanotherpasscode to Phone A. Or when you have back your phone, youcandeactivate it from the application itself.NOTES:-1. Phone B is not necessarily an android phone and need notinstallwith the application.2. You can edit the passcode to suit your own preferencewhichyou can easily remember. Make sure you save it or it willreturn tothe default passcode.3. If you use Phone B and Phone C (more than one phone)toactivate the app in Phone A, both phones B&C will receivetheforwarded messages4. Remember to deactivate the service if you don't need itanymore. Once deactivated, both Phone B & C will no longerreceivethe messages. To deactivate, sms the passcode OR you can doit fromwithin the application itself.5. To test this app, you need to use at least 3 phones. Phone1(target), Phone 2 (tracker) and Phone 3 (to send any sms toPhoneA).Any query or problem, email
Colorblind Test 1.1
This app is for self-test colorblindnesstocheck your color vision deficiency. To use this app:-1. Select any image from the top gallery.2. Try to read the number contains in the image.3. To get the answer, click on the image at the center.If you cannot read the number in the image, consult yourcolorvision expert for proper advice.